學一技之長報親恩 販毒女獄中勤學寵物美容
於不自由的牢房內度過漫漫歲月,不禁令在囚者質疑自己的價值何在?阿欣(化名)年少時因結識了有毒癮的男朋友,不惜以身犯險替男友販毒,當年十多歲的她因販毒首度判囚,惟出獄後仍執迷不悟,終再次犯事被捕,被處以九年多的刑期。服刑期間,阿欣痛定思痛,決定報讀寵物美容課程,盼出獄後憑一技之長養活自己,以行動報答對自己不離不棄的母親。 現年三十多歲的阿欣面容清秀,一雙巧手替狗隻梳毛、穿衣時顯得小心翼翼;「以前對將來無期望,因為無技能。」略顯靦腆的阿欣輕聲說道,首次入獄年僅十九歲,不知天高地厚的她出獄後竟「重操故業」,終在廿多歲時再因販毒被判囚九年多,「初初入嚟到現在,媽咪都不辭勞苦入嚟探我。」 母親的愛令阿欣明白到並非孤身走我路,看似遙遙無期的牢獄生涯令她倍感迷茫,「當初好掙扎,覺得就嚟三十幾歲,要重新嚟過好難!」在社工支持下,阿欣在服刑期間修讀寵物美容職業訓練課程,盼能自力更生,「想用行動感謝媽咪嘅愛,想佢知我係有心做,亦都有能力照顧佢。」 更生人士最擔心自己的過去成為人生污點,不被社會接納。其中一位報名成為「愛心僱主」兼寵物美容理論課程導師之一的陳進思(Diana)認為,社會對寵物美容師的需求與日俱增,在囚人士修畢課程即獲認可資格,能應付市場需求。初任導師時,Diana曾擔心學員「唔聽話」,結果喜出望外,「佢哋(學員)好有紀律,上堂非常積極答問題,甚至比出面嘅學員更留心上堂。」 Diana透露,行內有僱主會優先聘用修畢課程的更生人士,「到目前為止,請咗兩至三個學員喺我度長做,有好多學員喺朋友鋪頭度幫手甚至係自僱。」人總會犯錯,也應有改過自新的機會,更生人士也不例外。
資料來源: On CC 17/02/2018
毛城城 Mo City 寵物保姆介紹
【毛城城 Mo City】
資料來源: 毛城城 Mo City 13/12/2019 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3209713279044662&id=1385524588130216
TVB 東張西望 寵物救護車介紹
【TVB 東張西望】
資料來源: TVB 東張西望 9/06/2019
女囚犯學寵物美容 盼出獄展新生
資料來源:On cc 東網

資料來源: Now 新聞 17/02/2018
90後大學生創業當寵物保姆 上門收費照顧毛孩【有片】
Pet Sitting Diary(香港專業寵物保姆)在2016年底成立,他們沒有開設門市,平日在家工作,創業成本大降至數千元。為提高專業性,Angela考獲註冊專業寵物保姆資格,考核包括幫貓咪打皮下水、助狗隻刷牙等,公司亦獲Professional United Pet Sitters、Pet Sitters International等機構的會員資格。
Pet Sitting Diary接觸到需要照顧的寵物,大多數是貓、狗,但Sam及Angela直言,曾有客人要求照顧另類寵物,如蜥蜴、飛鼠等,除了向主人查問照料細節,也要「做功課」上網找相關資料,甚至向獸醫請教照顧知識。
貓咪常嘔吐 或腎臟有事
資料來源: 香港經濟日報 01/06/2018
Pet theory: rising ownership in Hong Kong opens up a host of retail opportunities
Booming pet economy has also brought opportunities and insights to various property sectors in the city
In Hong Kong, more families are welcoming pets into their homes with about 289 000 households keeping pets in 2015-16. A study commissioned by the Veterinary Surgeons Board of Hong Kong last year and previous thematic reports by the Census and Statistics Department, showed that pet ownership has undergone exponential growth over the last decade, rising 72 per cent from 297,100 dogs and cats in 2005/6 to 510,600 in 2015/16. It is expected to reach 545,600 in 2019.
Pet ownership is the highest among the more affluent families, with 11.1 per cent of the households earning HK$40,000 (US$5,112) or above owning dogs and 6.5 per cent of these households owning cats, according to a study from 2011.
Today’s devoted pet owners spend a lot of dough on their furry kids, spoiling them with luxury products and services, as consumption patterns have become increasingly “humanised and premiumised”. According to Statistia, revenue in Hong Kong’s pet food segment is expected to reach about HK$1.1 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5.9 per cent between 2018 and 2021.
From a real estate perspective, the booming pet economy has also brought opportunities and insights to various property sectors in the city.
The expansion of pet shops and suppliers has been notable. For instance, Pet line opened six new retail locations over the last 12 months. Many pet shops have also used omni-channels to reach a wider and diverse customer base.
Meanwhile, there is a trend for pet-related businesses to open bigger outlets – 1,000 square feet or above – to extend healthier choices and lifestyles into pet care, such as high-end pet grooming, pet spa and Doga (yoga for dogs) to capitalise on the shift in pet owner behaviour and preferences.
As the pet community puts emphasis on adopting pets instead of buying, and increasing health awareness of pet owners, the population of older pets is expected to rise. With more households owning older pets, requirements for medical care because of age-related conditions are expected to increase.
On top of the mainstream pet hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture and rehabilitation centres, the pet care trend is moving towards specialisation, such as elderly pet care centres, focusing on extending life expectancy and improving quality of life.
Business opportunities brought about by the thriving pet economy has also extended to traditional retailers, similar to fashion brands bringing in secondary product lines for kids. For example, Ikea has recently launched Ikea Lurvig in the US, Canada, France, Japan and Taiwan, selling a range of products designed for four-legged family members.
Only a few shopping centres in Hong Kong set themselves apart from the rest by allowing pets. To balance the interests of both pet-lovers and those shoppers who dislike pets, most malls impose some sort of restriction (for example, pets are only allowed if they are carried by their owners). In terms of tenant mix, most shopping centres only accept pet related businesses selling pet products. Now that shoppers are looking for more experiential elements in their shopping trips, landlords could consider introducing tenants involved in pet-related services given the growth potential of this niche market.
On a separate note, unconventional office landlords, co-working space operators or companies can explore the viability of pet-friendly workplace to capitalise on the expanding pet market. While bringing animals to the workplace has its own challenges, a workplace that is pet-friendly also has its share of benefits, such as relieving stress of employees, promoting positive interactions and improving company image.
Key drivers for a booming pet economy
Changing demographics: Decreasing birth rates in recent years and the tendency of late marriage have seen a shift in the city’s demographics; many couples have sought companionship by welcoming four-legged friends to their homes. Meanwhile, the increasing share of elderly population and the loneliness that comes with the advancing years have led many seniors to be emotionally attached to their pets.
Changing attitudes towards pet raising: Nowadays, more people regard pets as part of their family, taking care of them like human beings. Pet owners also put strong emphasis on the beauty and wellness of their furry kids. These have opened doors for companies to introduce numerous discretionary pet products and services.
Social media enables start-ups to run pet-related businesses at lower costs: With the rise of social media, the start-up and marketing costs of a pet-related business can be substantially lowered. Entrepreneurs have been able to introduce diverse pet-related services and e-commerce such as pet sitters, pet Airbnb, pet psychic communicators and on-site pet grooming.
Source: South China Morning Post (南華早報) on 27/02/2018 https://www.scmp.com/property/hong-kong-china/article/2134862/pet-theory-rising-ownership-hong-kong-opens-host-retail
Pet Pet聯萌:唔想寵物孤伶伶 保姆有計
Baby Sitter(育兒保姆)聽得多,Pet Sitter寵物保姆聽過未?原來這個職業在外國一早已經很流行,如果主人需要離家一段日子,雖然可以選擇寄養寵物,但部分主人覺得比起陌生環境,寵物留在自己的家會比較舒服。Furrenz寵物保姆創辦人Viola和Philip覺得香港人經常出國公幹和旅行,其實亦有寵物保姆的需求。寵物保姆會負責餵食、換水、清理便便、陪玩、餵藥,還會每日Send相給主人,甚至淋花、收信、扔垃圾都做埋,少啲愛心和耐性都唔得!
資料來源: 東方日報 17/12/2017
Why Pet Care Is One of the Best Industries for Starting a Business in 2017
The traditional pet industry, valued at $60 billion in the U.S., is getting a makeover. Technological advances make it even easier for local businesses involved in pet sitting, grooming, walking, training, and boarding to reach customers, streamline processes, and scale their operations.
Why it’s hot: Forty percent of customers in the pet care industry are ages 30-49. Millennials are aging into this group and getting more pets than previous generations. According to research firm Mintel, three-fourths of American 30-somethings have dogs, compared with half of the overall population. Meanwhile, more than half of Americans in their 30s have cats, compared with 35 percent of the overall population. Millennials with pets also expect to use technology to buy services, providing opportunity for new ventures in e-commerce, subscription packages, and connected devices like pet wearables.
What’s required: An affinity for animals is, of course, a must. But you’ll also need some behavioral training skills and an ability to market yourself to continue gaining new customers. To integrate technology into your processes, you’ll need a level of proficiency in building apps and websites or the ability to work with an expert.
Barriers to entry: Depending on the business, barriers to entry can be quite low. Pet walking and sitting might require very little upfront investment, but boarding, grooming, and training will require capital for facilities, equipment, and health and safety certifications.
The downside: Customer turnover can happen quickly in the pet services industry, and it might take some time to build up a loyal base. The nature of the business might also require long hours and an always-on-call customer service policy. You’ll often need to be available on weekends and holidays, when pet owners might be traveling.
Competition: The industry hasn’t seen much consolidation apart from a few grooming franchises like Wag N Wash and Best Friend’s Choice Whiskers & Paws. When it comes to sitting, boarding, walking, and grooming, the most competition is likely to come from small, independent local players. In the more tech-heavy segments of the industry, startups like pet toy and treat subscription service BarkBox, services platform Rover, direct-to-consumer pet pharmaceutical company Vets First Choice, and smart-collar maker Whistle Labs are some of the dominant companies.
Growth: Pet grooming and boarding revenue was nearly $8 billion in the U.S. in 2016, and IBISWorld projects 7 percent annual growth through 2021. According to CB Insights, between 2012 and 2016, $486 million was invested in the global pet tech sector across 172 venture capital deals. The worldwide pet wearables market alone will be a $2.6 billion market by 2019, market research firm IDTechEx predicts.
Source: Inc. 5000 on 01/03/2017
【裁員失業】全職當寵物保母 餵食陪過夜一對一